picture of Jana

Jana Sotáková

I defended my PhD in post-quantum cryptography in June 2024.
I specialized in isogeny-based cryptography.
My PhD thesis is publicly available; see below for other formats.
The video of the defense is also available.

I was supervisted by Christian Schaffner, Serge Fehr and Peter Bruin at Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam (ILLC) and a part of the QuSoft Crypto group.

I am not on the academic job market anymore and will leave academic research upon graduation.
Feel free to contact me if you wish to know my reasons.

During my PhD, I was interested in: Until Spring 2022, I was also an organizer at WIQD, a network of women in Quantum.

PhD Thesis

My PhD thesis, called "Isogenies and cryptography", is available:

Note that this version is identical to the printed version. Some typos or small issues are still present.
Upon my graduation, I hope to put out an updated version incorporating the feedback I received from my committee. Please let me know if you have any comments or remarks or ideas about what parts could be interesting stand-alone.
I also plan to clean up the notebook generating pixel graphs for isogeny graphs (starting from an adjacency matrix).

The video of the defense is available. It starts with a 10 minute layman's talk, followed by 45 minutes of questioning, followed by the awarding of the degree.


Google scholar, DBLP database entry, IACR database, ORCID.

    Cryptography and computational number theory

  • Deuring for the People: Supersingular Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Endomorphism Ring in General Characteristic
    Jonathan Komada Eriksen1, Lorenz Panny, Jana Sotáková, and Mattia Veroni
    Accepted at LuCaNT 2023, (paper, video, slides)). available on eprint as Report 2023/106.
    Sage code available as GitHub repo friends-of-quaternions/deuring.
  • Disorientation faults in CSIDH
    Gustavo Banegas, Juliane Krämer, Tanja Lange, Michael Meyer, Lorenz Panny, Krijn Reijnders, Jana Sotáková, Monika Trimoska
    Accepted at Eurocrypt 2023, available on eprint as Report 2022/1202.
    My poster from ANTS is available here.
  • CTIDH: Faster constant-time CSIDH
    Gustavo Banegas, Daniel J. Bernstein, Fabio Campos, Tung Chou, Tanja Lange, Michael Meyer, Benjamin Smith, Jana Sotáková
    Available on the website and eprint Report 2021/633.
    Also available as video on Youtube, and a published paper.
    Slides from my ACCESS talk. Slides from the CHES talk.
  • Explicit connections between supersingular isogeny graphs and Bruhat--Tits trees
    Laia Amorós, Annamaria Iezzi, Kristin Lauter, Chloe Martindale, and Jana Sotáková
    Appeared in Women in Numbers Europe III, Springer .
    Available on eprint and as notes here.
  • Breaking the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem for class group actions using genus theory
    Wouter Castryck and Jana Sotáková and Frederik Vercauteren
    Crypto 2020, published paper, Best Paper Award
    preprint available on eprint.
  • Adventures in Supersingularland
    joint work with Sarah Arpin, Catalina Camacho-Navarro, Kristin Lauter, Joelle Lim, Kristina Nelson and Travis Scholl
    Experimental Mathematics, available in Open Access at https://doi.org/10.1080/10586458.2021.1926009.
    preprint available at eprint or at arXiv.
  • Masters thesis

  • Eta quotients and class fields of imaginary quadratic fields
    masters thesis under the supervision of Marco Streng (Leiden, 2017) available here



Where to find me on the Web

My QuSoft profile . My ILLC website. My CWI website. My LinkedIn. Google scholar page. DBLP database entry. IACR database entry. My ORCID ID.
My old website that contains some notes I've written.
An accurate log of my athletics endeavours can be found here. I even have an Olympic.org site! I attended the Youth Olympic Games in 2010: Wikipediaeven has an entry about my race.
My Alma Mater profile.
My blog. If my blog interests you, please send me a message. I will start blogging again.